View all asset information

Extensive metadata capabilities are one of CELUM Content's core functions. An asset's metadata consists of the following aspects:

Metadata allows you to structure, categorize, and describe assets within the system. You can view all metadata for a selected asset or in the detail view:

Layout and information in the detail view

The detail view is separated into the following areas and toolbars:

  1. Header bar: In this toolbar, you can see the selected asset's name and ID on the left side and buttons to share and download the asset on the right side. Additionally, you can close the detail view with the button.

  2. Navigation bar: On the left side, you can see a small preview and choose different detail view tabs to view different types of metadata about the asset. By default, the "Preview" tab is active. See the section "The detail view tabs" for more information.

    Switching between assets in the current view

    In the small preview, you can switch between back and forth between the assets in the current view (e.g. the current collection, the lightbox, or the current search results). Simply use either the previous-/next-buttons on the small preview or the left/right arrow keys on your keyboard.

  3. Content area: In the middle area, you can see the content of the active detail view tab.
    By default, the preview area with a large asset preview and preview controls is shown. See Preview assets for more information.
    The content area shows different information about the asset, depending on the active tab. For example, in the tab "Metadata", it contains all the asset's information fields.

  4. Sidebar: Depending on the active tab, the sidebar contains different information:

  5. Content bar: The content bar allows you to show or hide the sidebar. If you are viewing metadata in the content area, then the content bar additionally allows you to search for specific metadata, choose the language in which you want to view the metadata, and edit metadata.

The detail view tabs

Switch metadata language

Download file information as JSON

Show or hide empty metadata fields