Extensive metadata capabilities are one of CELUM Content's core functions. An asset's metadata consists of the following aspects:
Information fields: Information fields are configured by a system administrator directly in the back-end of your CELUM Content server. They depend on your company's needs and requirements.
Asset properties: asset properties are technical details about the asset's binary file. Examples include RAW-data, video data like bitrate and frame rate, or image data like color space and dimensions.
Asset properties: Asset properties are automatically assigned to the asset during upload. Examples include the creation date, the creator or the name of the asset.
Metadata allows you to structure, categorize, and describe assets within the system. You can view all metadata for a selected asset or in the detail view:
Either double-click an asset in the asset list or lightbox,
or open the detail view
with the "Open detail view" action button in the context
menu, action area
or magic menu:
The detail view is separated into the following areas and toolbars:
Header bar: In this toolbar, you can
see the selected asset's
name and ID on the left side and buttons to share
and download the asset on the right side.
Additionally, you can close the detail view
with the button.
Navigation bar: On the left side, you can see a small preview and choose different detail view tabs to view different types of metadata about the asset. By default, the "Preview" tab is active. See the section "The detail view tabs" for more information.
Switching between assets in the current view
In the small preview, you can switch between back and forth between the assets in the current view (e.g. the current collection, the lightbox, or the current search results). Simply use either the previous-/next-buttons on the small preview or the left/right arrow keys on your keyboard.
Content area: In the middle area,
you can see the content of the active detail view
By default, the preview area
with a large asset
preview and preview controls is shown. See Preview
assets for more information.
The content area shows different information about the asset, depending
on the active tab. For example, in the tab "Metadata", it
contains all the asset's information fields.
Sidebar: Depending on the active tab, the sidebar contains different information:
If the preview is displayed, the sidebar shows the "Information" tab with the basic information (as it is also displayed in the asset list).
If metadata is displayed, the sidebar shows a mid-sized preview image.
Content bar: The content bar allows you to show or hide the sidebar. If you are viewing metadata in the content area, then the content bar additionally allows you to search for specific metadata, choose the language in which you want to view the metadata, and edit metadata.
Preview: This tab shows a large preview of the asset, along with the preview controls which allow you to manipulate the preview. See Preview assets for more information. If the asset has multiple binary versions, you can manage the versions in this tab. On the large previous, you can also go back and forth between the assets in the current view.
Metadata: This tab shows all information fields and
their values for the asset
in the content area.
The fields are structured in collapsible information categories.
If there are localized fields available, you can display
their values in different languages. Additionally, you can see
a smaller preview of the asset
in the sidebar,
which you can expand or collapse with the button
in the content bar.
This smaller preview also includes the preview controls.
You may not see all available fields in read mode, as empty fields may be hidden via the "Show all fields/Show only fields with values" setting. Once you enter edit mode, you will see all fields.
You can find more information about this setting in the "Show or hide empty metadata fields" section below.
Asset relations: This tab shows you all related assets for the selected asset. See View an Asset's related objects for a breakdown of this tab.
File information: This tab shows all asset properties which describe the technical details of the binary file behind the asset.
External references: This tab shows all external references (publically available URLs) for the asset. It provides a good overview if the same asset is published on media platforms, used on a website via a CMS or globally available via CDN. You can directly open the external reference via a link in the tab. See View external references for more information.
Similar Assets: This tab shows a list of the currently selected asset's similar assets which were found by the Similarity Search feature. This tab is only available if the Similarity Search is licensed for your server.
Modification history: This tab shows you an overview of all changes to metadata or parent collections that were made on the current asset. See View an object's modification history for more details.