The simplest way to preview assets
is in the sidebar,
where you see a still image for selected assets.
Open the sidebar via
the icon
in the content bar.
You can also open the "Preview" detail view tab in order to see a large interactive preview, where you can use different preview controls to manipulate the preview. The detail view also allows you to play video or audio assets and flip through multi-page document assets.
In the preview area in the detail view, a small overlay, the preview controls, allows you to manipulate and control the preview. Depending on the file type, different controls are available.
In the compare view, the additional
icon allows you to unlink or link the preview
controls. If the preview controls are linked, only one preview control
overlay is available for both previews in the compare view. This allows
you, for example, to zoom into the same position on both preview images.
If the preview controls are unlinked, each side of the compare view
has its own preview control overlay.
There are some restrictions for the preview controls in the compare view:
If you are comparing two multi-page documents, you can only flip through the pages of the currently selected version (on the left side of the compare view). You cannot change the pages on the right side.
For video and audio assets, you can only link and unlink the volume control. The play/pause button and timeline always apply to both previews.
For audio assets, you can use the typical audio controls (play button and volume control). To jump to a specific time in the audio asset, click on the audio playback bar:
From left to right:
Flip through the document's pages. Arrow up means flip backward, arrow down means flip forward.
You can only flip through pages if previews were already created for them. If the buttons are disabled, wait a few minutes before trying again.
Display of current page and total page amount
Show page preview in original size
Enlarge page image to fill available space
Manually zoom in and out
Enable text selection to select text inside the document preview. There are two states to this button:
the text selection if you click it. You can then select and
copy text in the document preview.
the text selection if you click. You can then no longer select
and copy text in the document preview.
From left to right:
Show image in original size
Enlarge image to fill available space
Manually zoom in and out
For video files, you can use the typical video controls (play button and volume control). To jump to a specific time in the video, click on the video playback bar:
For 3D models with interactive preview, the preview controls open in the lower right corner of the preview area:
The interactive 3D preview is only available if the "3D viewer" feature is enabled on your CELUM Content server. If it's not activated, no interactive preview is shown.
From left to right:
Settings: In the settings, you can, for example, change the viewpoint of the preview.
Model inspector: In the model inspector, you can fine-tune different aspects of the model display, like color, materials or geometry. The model inspector opens in a dedicated overlay on the left side of the preview area.
View in VR: Opens the model in a dedicated VR environment.
Fullscreen: Opens the model in a new browser window in full size.
Additionally, you can rotate the model in every direction by dragging your mouse over the preview area.
You can view basic information about and the preview of all previous versions of an asset in the "Preview" tab of the detail view. If multiple versions for the current asset are available, the content bar contains a drop-down menu. The following information about each version is available:
Click one of the versions in the version overview to see its preview in the large preview area.
You can compare two versions directly in the "Preview" tab. As a contributor user, you can also manage versions for the asset either directly in the detail view.
Small arrow icons on the left and/or right side of the asset preview allow you to jump to the next or previous asset in the asset list:
You can either use the cursor keys on your keyboard to navigate through the folder content, or click the arrow buttons.
When you reach the first asset in the list, the "Previous" button disappears. When you reach the last asset in the list, the "Next" button disappears.
If you're viewing the detail view of an asset with type "document" (e.g., a .docx, .rtf, .txt, or .pdf document, among others), you can search for text directly inside the document on the "Preview" tab:
Press Ctrl + F on your keyboard.
A new pop-up opens in the top right corner of the preview area:
Type a search term into the text field and the text will be automatically highlighted inside your asset's preview.
Configuration options
Click the configuration icon to fine-tune
your search. You can choose the following options:
Highlight all: Highlights all occurrences of the search term at once.
Whole words only: Finds only whole words, no sub-strings or partial words.
Case-sensitive: Finds words only if capitalization matches.
You can only use this function as a power user with super-administrator permissions.
In the Explore View and Advanced Search, you can manually trigger the recreation of assets whose preview generation failed during upload.
To identify assets with failed previews easily, you can use the "General" filter widget's "Conversion error" criteria.
Select one or multiple assets (up to 200 assets at once).
Open the context menu or magic menu for the assets.
Click the "Recreate previews" action.
The previews will be recreated if possible.
If you uploaded a 3D file but the interactive 3D preview is not displayed, one of the following reasons may apply:
The 3D feature is not enabled on your CELUM Content server. In this case, please contact an administrator who can request the feature from CELUM.
Your organization has reached the defined limit of the 3D upload conversions. In this case, please contact an administrator who can request a license upgrade.
The file format of the uploaded 3D file is not supported by CELUM Content. In this case, try converting it to a different format.
A list of all formats that are recognized as 3D models is available in the Customer Knowledge Base.
The 3D file exceeds the functional restrictions stipulated by the 3rd-party service which CELUM uses to provide 3D previews:
As few materials as possible, but maximum 100 per scene
50 geometries/meshes or less
10 textures or less, especially when they are 4k+
2 million polygons or less for desktop; 500,000 polygons or less for mobile consumption
Fewer than 35 bones per geometry
Low scene complexity
Avoid expensive transparency methods
Avoid lights casting shadows when attached to the camera
Consider using Shadeless mode when appropriate