Asset relations are used to link similar or otherwise related assets to one another. You can view a selected asset's relations in the "Asset Relation" detail view tab:
Each relation is shown in a collapsible panel. The panel header shows the related asset's name, actions for the relation and an icon for the relation status:
Established relation: These are normal,
working asset relations between two existing assets. Relations are
always established between specific asset version and are marked with
the icon.
Outdated relation: Relations are always
established with specific asset versions. If somebody uploads a new
version for a related asset, then the relation to the previous version
becomes outdated. Outdated versions are
marked with the icon.
Broken relation: If a related asset
is deleted, the relation to it becomes broken.
Broken relations are marked with the icon and
the deleted asset's
preview and name are removed from the detail view
Inside the panel, information about each relation is shown. This includes the creation date for the relation and who created it, which version of the related asset the relation was established with, the direction of the relation and the information fields for the relation.
The above screenshot shows existing relations for the currently selected asset "ContentHub_User_Guide_Nova_EN.pdf". The relations in this case read as follows:
ContentHub_User_Guide_Nova_DE.pdf is a language variant of ContentHub_User_Guide_Nova_EN.pdf with the content language "German".
To learn how to establish such relations yourself, see Manage asset relations.