This action is only possible for people with moderator or contributor role.
You can create folders in your Workroom either directly in the tree in the asset explorer or by adding a collection from CELUM Content.
Select a folder in the tree. You can also select the root folder (which has the same name as the Workroom).
Create a new child folder in the following ways:
Via context menu: Right-click the folder to open its context menu and click "Create folder" in the context menu.
Via featured action: Click the "Create folder" action in the action area on the right side of the page.
Via magic menu: Click the magic button in the action area to open the magic menu and click the "Create folder" action in the magic menu.
Enter a name for the folder in the new dialog that appears.
Click "Create".
The dialog closes and the new folder is immediately shown in the tree. Its parent folder stays selected.
You can create folders while adding a collection or assets from CELUM Content (if triggered in the CELUM Content UI), attaching assets to a task, or while moving an existing folder in the asset explorer:
Open the dialog:
When moving a folder: Select a folder in the tree and right-click it to open the context menu and click the "Move" action.
When adding from CELUM Content: Click the "Add to a Workroom" menu item on a collection or asset in CELUM Content and follow the steps.
When attaching assets to a task: Click the "Attach assets" button in task details or drag and drop an asset to attach.
A dialog opens. The dialog shows you all folders.
Select a parent folder for your new folder in the dialog's tree.
Click the "New folder" button above the folder
tree in the dialog:
Enter a name for the folder in the new dialog that appears.
Click the button to finish the action.
The dialog closes and the new folder is shown in the folder tree in the dialog.
Besides adding assets from CELUM Content, you can also add an entire collection including the child collections. The added collection will be represented by a folder with the same name in the asset explorer:
Once the folder is created, you can work with it and its assets independently from CELUM Content. This means that actions such as deleting, renaming, and moving in CELUM Work will have no influence on the collection and vice versa.
Go to the asset explorer.
Select a folder in the tree where you want to add a CELUM Content collection.
You can add a collection:
Via the context menu: Right-click the folder to open its context menu and click the "Add from CELUM Content" menu entry.
Via featured action: Click the "Add from CELUM Content" action in the action area on the right side of the page.
Via magic menu: Click the magic button in the action area to open the magic menu and click the "Add from CELUM Content" action.
The "Add assets or collections from CELUM Content" dialog opens.
On the left side of the dialog (which shows the collection tree in CELUM Content), click on a collection to select it for adding.
If the chosen collection has child collections, they will also be added and the newly-created folders will have the same nested structure as the collections in CELUM Content have.
Click the "
Add" button.
If you are a Workroom moderator, a menu opens where you can choose between two options:
Add collection. The selected collection and its child collections will be added.
Add and watch collection. The selected collection and child collections will be added and a Workroom robot will be created on the parent collection or the added folder will be added to the list of collections being watched if the robot has already been created.
As a Workroom contributor, you will only see the "Add" button. The menu won't be displayed as contributors don't have the permission to create robots.
The dialog closes and a new folder with the same name is created in the asset explorer with all assets from the collection.
Assets added from CELUM Content
will have an "CELUM Content"
symbol in the lower right corner. If the
asset is deleted in CELUM Content,
the symbol on the asset will be grayed out and the status will be
"No longer available in CELUM Content".