This action is only possible for people with moderator or contributor role.
Adding from CELUM Content may be restricted for some users, depending on permissions. For more information on permissions, visit the CELUM Content online help topics for Advanced UI or Nova UI.
You can add assets from CELUM Content to a selected folder in CELUM Work and to continue working on them independently from CELUM Content.
There are 2 ways to add CELUM Content assets to a folder:
Via "Add to a Workroom" option in CELUM Content. More details on this option can be found in the CELUM Content online help.
Via "Add from CELUM Content" option in the asset explorer. In this way, you can add selected assets from CELUM Content without leaving your Workroom.
In CELUM Work, go to asset explorer in a Workroom.
In the asset explorer, select a folder in the tree.
Add assets to the currently selected folder in the following ways:
Via context menu: Right-click
the folder to open its context menu and click the " Add from CELUM Content"
menu entry.
Via featured action: Click the
Add from CELUM Content"
action in the action area
on the right side of the page.
Via magic menu:
Click the magic button
in the action area
to open the magic menu
and click the " Add from CELUM Content"
The "Add assets from CELUM Content"
dialog opens.
On the left side of the dialog, browse through collections to see all assets inside.
Alternatively, you can activate the option "Show content of child collections" to show all assets on any level under the currently selected collection or collection type.
Select the assets you want to add in the asset list.
Use the search bar in the upper right corner of the dialog to search for assets inside the currently selected collection or structure.
Click the
Add button.
In the "Add" button's menu, choose between:
Adding assets and creating tasks.
This option may not be visible. Check the Q&A section below for more information.
Click on the "Add and create tasks" to open the "Create tasks" dialog.
In the "Create tasks" dialog, you can:
Create separate tasks for the selected assets (if you selected multiple assets) or create a single task.
Add a form. The form will be added to the created tasks.
Click on "Create" in the "Create tasks" dialog. If you:
Didn't add a form, the chosen assets are added to the selected folder in the asset explorer and new tasks are created.
Added a form, you can decide to either create the tasks with an empty form (the "Create" option) or to fill in the selected form before creation (the "Fill in the selected form before creation" option). To finish creation:
With a blank form, click on "Create" in the "Create tasks" dialog.
With a filled in form, click on "Create" in the "Fill in and create" dialog.
Just adding the selected assets to the folder. Click "Add" to finish.
The dialog closes and the chosen assets are added to the selected folder
in the asset explorer
and, optionally, new tasks are created (with or without a blank/filled
out form) on the selected task list. Click on "View task" in
the progress snackbar to open a newly-created task.
Assets added from CELUM Content
will have an "CELUM Content"
symbol in the lower right corner. If the
asset is deleted in CELUM Content,
the symbol on the asset will be grayed out and the status will be
"No longer available in CELUM Content".
Why can't I
see the "Add and create tasks" option when adding assets to
a Workroom?