CELUM Libraries
has two major sections: the dashboard and the
The system bar located
on the left side of the screen offers additional functions.
The dashboard provides an overview of your
active and inactive Libraries
listed in separate sections.
Parts of the CELUM Libraries
NEW button:
Used for creating new Libraries.
rows: Each Library
row displays important configuration details about a Library, such
as the name of the Library,
the owner, connected Portals,
and the saved filter used. A red icon on the
Library row means that there is an issue. For precise information
on the issue, hover over the icon.
Libraries list:
Shows the list of all active and inactive Libraries. As a
Library owner, you can edit, activate, or deactivate the Libraries.
Those Librariesthat have been last edited or newly created
are automatically sorted to the top of the Libraries list.
The inactive Libraries are shown after the active Libraries
on the list.
The Library wizard
is the interface handling the creation of new Libraries
and the editing of existing ones.
Parts of the Library wizard:
Contains the navigation and function buttons.
Navigation menu:
Here you can see and navigate through wizard sections.
Configuration area:
Here you can see the relevant configuration info for your different
settings. The settings presented in this area will vary depending
on wether you are in the Library details, Assets, Metadata or Variants section.
The system bar
is located on the left side of the browser window. You can access
it from anywhere in the application. It contains the following functions:
Buttons to access other CELUM services in the CELUM Cloud.
Your user settings (accessible via your avatar), which allows
you to switch the application language, manage your cloud account, and log out.