The Advanced Search is a page in which you can further refine your search. You open the Advanced Search by clicking the "Search" button in the system bar:
While the full text search in the Explore View only looks for assets, the full text search in the Advanced Search returns both assets and collections.
The Advanced Search
page looks as follows:
System bar: Just like in the Dashboard and Explore View, the system bar also holds the navigation buttons to the other parts of the application, as well as your user settings and help menu.
Header bar: Contains the full text search field.
Filter bar: In the Filter bar, you can see an overview of all active filter criteria and the "Clear all" button that resets the active filters.
Content bar: You can navigate between filter results for assets or collections. Additionally, you can adjust how the assets and collections are presented in the result list with the buttons on the right side.
Search panel: The search panel on the left side contains the "Manage widgets" button that you use to select the filter widgets, which make your search more effective and specific. Each filter widget represents an information field or asset property. Once selected, you can edit the criteria for each filter widget, combine the widgets, or save and load them for later use.
Action area: The action area on the right side of the browser window gives you access to either featured actions or the magic menu, which lists all actions for the current context via the magic button.
Result list: In the result list, you can see the search results for assets or collections based on activated filters, and perform actions on them.
Result list behaves like Explore View
In the result list, you can execute almost all actions on objects
that you can also execute in the Explore View, for example opening
a found object's detail view and editing
its metadata. You can also adjust the list itself in the same
way as the asset list in the Explore View, for example by opening
the sidebar with the
icon in the content bar or by changing
and rearranging the columns in list view.
Repeated searches
If you repeatedly search for objects by the same criteria, you can save your current filters and reuse them later.