The full text search field in Dashboard, Explore View, and Advanced Search can be restricted to only search in certain metadata types and exclude others.
Click the search options icon in the full
text field.
The search options open underneath the field, showing the various
metadata types:
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The search options are separated into five categories:
Select metadata and languages in which the search term(s) should be looked for. If you deselect a metadata type, the search will NOT look through fields of that type.
On dialog-level (across all sections), you need to select at least 1 search option. Therefore, if you deselect every option, the last remaining one will be grayed out and non-editable.
Click the "APPLY" button to save your changes and trigger the search.
The search options icon now shows a blue dot to indicate that
the default options have been changed: .
If you only change the languages in the "Localized text fields" section, the icon won't change, because adding or removing a language doesn't influence which types of metadata are searched through.
Additional search configurations
In the "Content administration" area (accessible via your user settings menu), you have additional options for configuring the search behavior. See Administer the system for more information.