The asset list shows all assets in either the Explore View or Advanced Search, depending on search results or selected collection. You have multiple ways to adapt
which objects are shown in the asset list,
which information is shown about the objects, and
how they are sorted.
The content bar above the asset list offers various ways to change which content is displayed in the asset list and how it is displayed:
Activate the "Show content of child collections" check box to show both assets inside the currently selected collection and assets inside its chidl collections.
To sort the assets in the asset list, choose a property to sort by from the sorting drop-down menu and click the respective button for the sorting order, which reflects the current sort order:
- The asset list
is currently sorted in descending order. Click this button
to sort ascending.
- The asset list is currently
sorted in ascending order. Click this button to sort descending.
Click or
to show
the asset
previews in either a table with the most important information
about each asset,
or as larger thumbnails without additional information.
If the thumbnail layout is activated, you can switch between
three thumbnail sizes using the respective buttons:
to expand or collapse the sidebar
and show a larger asset
preview and all asset
metadata for a selected asset.
Sorting works in two ways, depending on whether the asset list is shown in list view or card view:
In list view: A small arrow icon next to a column's name indicates that the asset list is sorted by this column. The arrow points down when the asset list is sorted in descending order and up when the asset list is sorted in ascending order. By default, the assets are sorted by the "Modification date" column. To sort the asset list by a different column, just click the column header (name) of another column. The asset list will then be sorted in ascending order. Click the column header again to sort in descending order.
In card view: The content bar
contains a drop-down menu with different sorting options to choose
from. Additionally, you can switch between ascending order and
descending order with a small button next to the drop-down:
If the asset list is shown in list view mode, you can rearrange the asset list columns.
To move a column to a different position,
simply hover over the column header, drag the column header with your
mouse, and drop it to the new position. To resize
a column, hover over the column name and drag the resize handler on
the right side with your mouse
to decrease or increase the column width.
When viewing objects in the list view, you can choose which information about them you want to see and in what language.
In order to do so, you must first switch from card view to list
view using the content bar icon .
To add or remove a column in the asset list:
Click the menu icon
in the top right corner of the list.
The asset list configuration menu appears. There, check the boxes for information fields or properties you want to display in the asset list.
For some fields, you can display the content in multiple languages.
Click "APPLY" at the bottom of the menu.
The selected fields are displayed as new columns in the asset list and are marked with a blue check mark in the asset list configuration menu. Once you re-enter the menu, all active fields will be displayed in alphabetical order at the top of the menu.
The maximum number of displayed columns can be configured according to your company needs. By default, you can add up to 15 columns to your asset list.
To remove a column from the asset list, uncheck the field in the asset list configuration menu.
You can also save your column configuration or load an already saved one.
You can show some selected fields in the asset list in multiple languages:
When you select a localized field in the column list, a
new "Add language" button appears on it:
Click the button. A list with all configured languages appears.
If a field does not have multiple locales enabled, the "Add language" button will not appear.
There, check the box next to a language, or click "select all" to choose all languages. If the number of selected languages is greater than the configured maximum number, a warning message will appear.
For each activated language, a new column appears:
To remove a language column, deselect the language in the asset list configuration menu.
You can only deselect the default language if an additional language has already been selected for the field.
In the asset list configuration menu, you can save a column configuration:
Once you've chosen suitable columns, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the menu.
A new dialog opens and shows all your saved configurations:
In the dialog, enter a name for your current configuration.
If you enter the same name as or select an already existing configuration, you can overwrite it upon saving.
Click "Save and apply" (if you entered a new name) or "Overwrite and apply" (if you selected an existing configuration).
Information that gets saved
For each column configuration, the selected columns, their widths and order in the asset list are saved. So, if you rearrange columns and save the new arrangement as a new column configuration, the order will be persisted if you load it again.
The dialog closes and the chosen columns are immediately applied to the asset list.
Furthermore, you can load a saved column configuration again:
Click the "Load" button at the bottom of the menu.
A new dialog opens and shows all your saved configurations.
Click a configuration in the dialog to select it.
Click "Load".
The dialog closes and the loaded configuration is immediately applied to the asset list.
During both saving and loading of configurations, you can delete an existing configuration via the "Delete"
button .