You can only see this page if you are an owner or manager of at least one organisation.
On the "Organisation members" page you can:
Invite users to become members of your organisation.
See fully approved members (in the "Approved members" tab).
See invited/pending approval requests (in the "Requests" tab).
Edit members and requests.
Members who are shown on the approved members list:
Accepted the invitation to join the organisation.
Their request to join the organisation via the shared link has been accepted.
Have been imported from the federation (via the organisation's IdP). You can identify an imported member in the "Organisation members" page by a checkmark in the "Imported" column.
To connect CELUM with your IdP, please contact a CELUM admin.
In the "Approved members" table, you can:
See basic info on approved members.
Hover over their avatar to see their user name. If a member has been deactivated, they will have the "deactivated" status.
Hover over specific groups (if the person belongs to at least one) to see the group's full name.
Remove a member from the organisation.
Users shown in the "Requests" tab:
Have been invited, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.
Invited users have the status
Have requested access to the organisation account
via a shared invitation link or via the "Connect to Cloud Account"
function in CELUM Content
and haven't been approved by a manager
yet. Pending approval users have the status label.
Membership request was disapproved by the organisation manager.
Disapproved users have the
status label.
In the "Requests" tab, you can:
See basic info on pending/invited users.
Hover over their avatar to see their invitation status.
Approve/disapprove a user's request to join the organisation (only for "Pending" users).
Resend/withdraw the invitation (only for "Invited" users).
Click on an invitation/request to enter the "Edit" dialog.