Fully approved members in the "Approved members" tab can be edited in the "Edit member" dialog. In the dialog, you can see details about a member and make changes as needed. As a manager, you will find it easier to have an overview of all the settings for a member directly in the dialog.
To edit:
Click on the user.
An "Edit member" dialog
opens where you can make changes to the user.
You can make the following changes:
Update a members's organisation role. Note that you cannot update your own role or the role of an organisation owner.
Deactivate/activate a member. Note that you cannot change your own status or the status of an organisation owner.
Imported users may have restrictions on activation.
Add the person to a group by clicking the "Add group members" icon. In the popup, select the groups you want to add the person to.
Imported groups are not shown as an option when adding members. For more info on imported groups, see "Imported groups considerations".
Remove a member from a group by clicking on the "Remove" icon next to the group.
Click "Save" to apply the changes made.