Deactivate or remove a member

You can only see this page if you are an owner or manager of at least one organisation.

Already approved members can be deactivated (a reversible action) or removed completely from the organisation on the "Organisation members" page.

Active status

A member will have an "active" status in the following cases:

Deactivate a member of your organisation

A user is automatically deactivated if


To deactivate a member manually:

It is not possible to deactivate an organisation owner.

  1. Open the context menu and click "Deactivate".

  2. In the dialog that appears, click "Deactivate" to confirm. The status will change to . A deactivated user cannot use the services associated with your organisation and will lose all privileges.

To reactivate a member, open the context menu and click "Activate" in the context menu.

An imported member that was disabled in IdP cannot be reactivated in the CELUM Cloud Account.

Remove a member from your organisation

The user only gets removed from your organisation. Their personal user account and access to it remain intact.

Members imported from the federation cannot be removed in CELUM Cloud Account. The removal happens in your IdP.

  1. Click the context menu icon User context menu for an accepted user in the "Approved members" tab. The context menu opens.

  2. Click "Remove" in the context menu.

  3. In the dialog that appears, click "Remove" to confirm.

  4. The user gets removed from the user list and has no access to the services associated with your organisation anymore.