Manage organisation groups

You can only see this page if you are an owner or manager of at least one organisation.

Groups are used to manage users within your organisation who need the same permissions or restrictions. Once created, the group is treated as a single object.

View all groups in an organisation

To see all organisation groups, open the "Organisation groups" tab.

Create a group

Groups can be created in 2 ways:

Create a group manually in CELUM Cloud

As organisation manager or owner, you can manually create groups and add members to them:

  1. On the "Organisation groups" page, click the "Create group" button.

  2. A "Create group" dialog opens where you can configure the group. There you:

    1. Enter group name. The name is mandatory and it needs to be unique.

    2. Populate the group with members by clicking on the "Add group members" icon. In the popup, select the people you want to add.

      See Who can be added to groups created manually in CELUM Cloud? for restrictions on adding people.

    3. Click on "Save" to finish.

  3. The newly created group is shown on top of the "Organisation groups" list.

Who can be added to groups created manually in CELUM Cloud?

Only invited people and active members (both imported and manually-added) can be manually added to groups.

If there is a status change for people who are already group members, the following applies:

Edit group

Please check the imported groups considerations for editing restrictions.

  1. Click on a group you want to edit in the "Organisation groups" list. The "Edit group" dialog opens.

  2. In the dialog you can:

Actions on a group

Please check the imported groups considerations for deleting restrictions.

You can perform the following actions on a group:

Filter groups

  1. Click the filter button :

  2. A pop-up menu opens.

  3. You  can filter by:

  4. The chosen filters are automatically applied and are displayed as chips.

How filters are combined

If you select a filter criteria from two filter types (e.g. Group name AND "Imported from federation"), then only groups to which all chosen filter criteria apply are shown as results.

Remove set filter criteria

Imported groups considerations

Mind the following considerations for groups imported to CELUM Cloud from the associated federation: