You can only see this page if you are an owner or manager of at least one organisation.
In the "Approved members" tab on the "Organisation members" page, you can:
See a member's organisation role and granted privileges.
Open the "Edit member"
dialog and manage each organisation
member's roles
and privileges.
Organisation roles determine which rights an active member has in your organisation account. There are two organisation roles: member and manager.
Members have restricted access to Cloud account. They:
Can see and edit their profile.
Can delete their user account.
Can see the "Home" tab (as shown in the screenshot) and the services that are enabled in the organisation. Which service they have access to is determined by privileges granted.
Can't see the "My organisation", "Organisation members", and "Organisation groups" tabs. This means that they can't:
View or manage privileges in the "Organisation members" tab.
View or manage organisation groups in the "Organisation groups" tab.
View the list with active members or requests and can't change their status or remove them in the "Organisation members" tab.
Organisation managers have additional organisation
and user management responsibilities. They can see the "My organisation",
"Organisation members",
and "Organisation groups"
tabs. This means they can:
View organisation details and organisation subscriptions in the "My organisation" tab.
View the list with active members and requests in the "Organisation members" tab and manage them in "Edit member" dialog.
View and manage organisation groups in the "Organisation groups" tab.
Every organisation has exactly one owner. The owner is the person who created the organisation account and is legally responsible for it. The owner is also displayed as a "Manager (Organisation owner)" in the "Edit member" dialog.
Usually, the owner does not work actively with the subscribed services for the organisation account, but they have all permissions and serve as a contact person for both CELUM and the other organisation members.
It is not possible to:
Change an organisation owner's role.
Change an organisation owner's status.
CELUM privileges grant access to domains within CELUM. Additionally, you can specify the privilege to further define permitted actions and manage access rights.
Each CELUM domain in the Cloud has its own privilege:
CELUM Work privilege
is granted for the CELUM Work
domain. All approved members will automatically be granted the
CELUM Work privilege is automatically granted to all active members and cannot be revoked. You can, however, change the privilege.
CELUM Experience privilege is granted for the CELUM Experience domain. By default, it is set to "None". When granted, the member will have the Curating-privilege.
CELUM Work privilege is automatically granted to all approved members in your organisation and cannot be revoked. As an organisation manager, you can decide which of the 2 CELUM Work privileges to assign to a member:
Curating. The Curating-privilege is by default granted to the organisation owner and can be granted to other organisation members. Following access rights and actions are allowed:
Gives members access to CELUM Work.
Following actions are allowed:
Create Workrooms.
Finish, reopen, or delete Workrooms even if they are not their members.
Manage templates (create, edit, and delete all Workroom templates associated with your organisation account).
See the "Workroom" section in Work administration.
See and perform actions such as editing, deleting, and copying of forms in the "Forms" section ("Form overview" tab) of the Work administration.
See the "Fields" tab in the "Forms" section of the Work administration and work in it.
Participating. The Participating-privilege is by default granted to all members once they become organisation members. Following access rights and actions are allowed:
Gives members access to CELUM Work.
See the "Form overview" tab in Work administration.
In the "Edit member" dialog (click on the member row), click on the drop-down menu next to the CELUM Work privilege and select the appropriate privilege.
With the CELUM Experience privilege (Curating-privilege), the following access rights and actions are allowed:
Gives members access to CELUM Experience.
Gives members access to CELUM Libraries.
Following actions are allowed:
Create and manage (view, and edit) Libraries.
Create and manage (view, and edit) Portals.
You can find the online user guide for CELUM Work, CELUM Libraries and CELUM Experience in their respective sections of the help portal.
In the "Edit member" dialog
(click on the member row), click on the drop-down menu next to the
CELUM Experience privilege
and select between "Curating" or "None".
You cannot cannot change your own role or the role of the organisation owner.
You can either promote a member user to a manager user, or demote a manager to a member user:
Open the "Edit member" dialog on a member.
In the "Details" section, open the "Organisation role" drop-down menu.
Choose one of the two roles for the user.
The new role is automatically applied to the user on their next login.