Work with people

The most important success factor for a project is the people who work on it. With CELUM Work, you and your coworkers can collaborate in Workrooms, and work on important tasks together.

Roles and permitted actions

As a visitor, you don't have access to the people's page and can't see other people and their roles in the Workroom.

As a contributor, you can only view people, but not change anything about the Workroom team, except your own participation status.

As a moderator, you can invite people to a Workroom or remove them from it. Additionally, you can decide which role each person has and update the roles.

For more information on roles, visit the Roles and privileges page.

View the people in a Workroom

You can see all people inside your Workroom in the Workroom wizard and on the People page. To go to the People page, click "People" in the Workroom header:

Their status in the organisation account is shown by a label:

- Invited people who do not have access to the Workroom yet. These people are completely new and are not members of the Workroom's organisation account yet.

- People who requested membership in your organisation, but are still waiting for approval and have been invited to a Workroom by a Workroom moderator. If an organisation manager invites such people to a Workroom, they automatically become organisation members and "pending approval" status is not shown anymore.

- An organisation manager has deactivated the user in the organisation account.

The role inside a Workroom is shown by an avatar icon:

Moderator of the Workroom and full member of the Workroom's organisation account.
Visitor is a full member of the Workrooms's organisation account and has limited access to your Workroom.




Further reading

You can find a detailed distinction between all roles and privileges inside and outside a Workroom in Roles and privileges.

If you are interested in the specific actions you can take related to a Workroom's participants, see the following topics: