As a moderator, you can easily invite people to join your Workroom. Depending on your needs, you can first assemble your team in the Workroom wizard or on the People page. Alternatively, you can invite people while assigning tasks or giving them ownership of a task list.
Depending on whether you want to add people while creating a Workroom, or later, choose one of the options:
if you are creating a Workroom: click on the "Create Workroom" button in the dashboard. Either create a default Workroom or create a Workroom from a template to open the Workroom wizard.
if you already created a Workroom and just want to add people: go to the People page by clicking on "People" in the Workroom header.
if you already created a Workroom and want to add people and edit your Workroom at the same time, open the magic menu and select "Edit Workroom" to open the Workroom wizard.
Open the "Invite people" dialog:
In the "Workroom details" section of the wizard, click on
the "Invite new people" button.
On the People page,
click the "Invite people" action
in the action area or magic menu.
The "Invite people" dialog opens:
Enter the e-mail address or name of an organisation member in the text field and press ENTER or click on the person in the suggestion drop-down.
The e-mail addresses you entered are listed below the text field
with their avatars.
All the invitees will by default be invited as contributors. To update their role, click on the menu next to their e-mail and select a different role.
Only approved member of the organisation can be invited as moderators.
Optionally, write a message to the invited people. They will see the message in the invitation e-mail.
To finish the process:
In the wizard, click "Invite". To save the changes and close the wizard, click "Create" if you are creating a new Workroom, or "Save" if you are editing an existing Workroom.
On the People page, click "Invite".
If the invitees are already members of the Workroom's organisation account, they can immediately access the Workroom. If they are either new or pending approval from an organisation manager, they will receive an e-mail notification. Even before they become full members, new and people pending approval can be assigned to a task, be task list owners and mentioned in a comment on a task/asset.
It is also possible to invite people when assigning a task list owner, assigning a task or a subtask to people.
Click on the "Add" icon :
In the header of a task list.
In the task details.
On the subtask row.
In the "Create new robot" dialog when creating the assignment robot.
In the "Move task" dialog when moving the task to a list with the "Mandatory assignment" robot.
To activate the "Mandatory assignment" robot, at least 2 people need to be in the Workroom.
In the search bar, type a name or e-mail address of the person you want to assign the task, subtask, or make task list owner.
If the person is a part of the Workroom team yet, an "Invite
and assign" button will appear in the search dialog:
Click on the button to open the "Invite and assign" dialog.
Enter the e-mail address or name of an organisation member in the text field and press ENTER or click on the person in the suggestion drop-down.
The e-mail addresses you entered are listed below the text field
with their avatars.
All the invitees will by default be invited as contributors. To update their role, click on the menu next to their e-mail and select a different role.
Only approved member of the organisation can be invited as moderators.
Optionally, write a message to the invited people. They will see the message in the invitation e-mail.
Click on "Invite and assign" to finish. The person will be assigned as task list owner, task or subtask assignee as soon as they accept the invitation.
The invitation process depends on the user status of the invitee.
As a Workroom moderator, you can remove people other than yourself from the Workroom if their participation is no longer needed:
Go to the "Workroom details" section of the Workroom wizard or the People page.
Select the people you want to remove.
Find the "Remove" action:
In the Workroom wizard: Open the context menu.
On the People page: Open either the context menu or the magic menu.
Choose the menu entry "Remove from Workroom".
Once you trigger the action:
In the Workroom wizard: The selected people get immediately removed. To confirm the removal and close the wizard, click "Create" if you are editing a new template, or "Save" if you are editing an existing template.
On the People page: Click "Remove" in the confirmation dialog.
The person is removed from the People page and loses access to the Workroom.
As moderator of the Workroom, you can't leave unless there are other moderators available!
You need to appoint another person as moderator so that they can take over the moderation of the Workroom before you are able to leave.
As a Workroom contributor or visitor, you can leave a Workroom if you feel like you did your best work or you don't want to continue the collaboration:
Open the magic menu via the magic button. You can do this on any page in the Workroom.
Choose the action "Exit Workroom" in the magic menu.
Click "Exit" in the confirmation dialog.
You are redirected to the dashboard and can no longer see or enter the Workroom which you left.