Collections serve as organizational units to categorize assets. Assets can be located in one or multiple collections, according to your needs.
In order to move an asset to a specific collection, you need the local "Add asset" permission for the target collection. Additionally, you need the local "Move asset" permission for the source collection.
If you have none of the necessary permissions on any collections, you'll still see the action, but will get an "Insufficient permissions" dialog upon clicking.
Select one or multiple assets in the asset list. You have 2 ways to move the selected asset(s):
Use the "Move" action in either the context menu or the magic menu:
A collection picker dialog opens. Choose a target collection for the asset(s) in the dialog.
You can also choose one of your favorite collections, or add a new favorite, or create a new collection in the context menu directly inside the dialog:
If a collection is grayed out, it means you may not move assets to it. A tooltip explains the reasons for this.
Click "Move" to confirm the dialog and move
the asset(s) to the selected new parent collection.
Drag and drop the selected assets to the target collection.
If the action is not possible, a tooltip next to the mouse cursor shows the error message:
This action is only possible when moving via drag and drop.
To undo moving of assets, click the "undo" button in the "Move asset(s)" progress snackbar.
In order to link an asset to a specific collection, you need the local "Add asset/collection" permission for the target collection as well as the "Add asset to other security context" permission on the current parent collection (and hence on the asset itself).
Select one or multiple assets in the asset list or lightbox. You have 2 ways to link the selected asset(s) to an additional parent collection:
Use the "Link" action in either the context menu or the magic menu.
The "Link" action is available in both Explore View and Advanced Search. However, under the following circumstances, you will receive an error dialog instead of the collection picker when clicking the action:
At least one of the selected assets is in a permission-defining collection without the "Add to other security context" permission AND
You're not allowed to see any non-permission-defining collection types.
A new collection picker dialog opens. The dialog has a three-column layout:
The left column lists all available collection types. Click on a collection type name to select it.
The middle column lists all collections of the selected collection type which you are allowed to link assets to. Click on a collection name to select the collection as an additional parent for the assets.
You can also choose one of your favorite collections, or add a new favorite, or create a new collection in the context menu directly inside the dialog:
If a collection is grayed out, it means you may not link assets to it. A tool-tip explains the reasons for this.
The right column lists all collections which the assets will be linked to.
Click "Link" to confirm the dialog and link the assets to the selected collections. The assets still remain in their original collection, as well.
If the Linking Feature is enabled for your CELUM Content server, and if the chosen collections can be referencing drop-down fields values (such as tags), they will automatically be added to the assets' metadata.
If the target collection can be referenced in multiple
fields for the current asset, a dialog appears where
you can select which fields should be updated:
Press and hold the ALT button on your keyboard and drag and drop the selected assets to the target collection.
If the action is not possible, a tooltip next to the mouse cursor shows the error message:
Please check the Troubleshooting section for information on when such error tooltips may occur.
When comparing 2 assets, you can link either of them to additional collections:
Open the context menu
for one of the assets.
Click "Link" in the context menu. A collection picker opens.
In the collection picker, pick one or multiple collections that the asset should be linked to.
Click "Link" to confirm your choice.
The asset is now also located in all chosen parent collections.
The CELUM Content Linking Feature enables you to link assets to collections that are also values in referencing drop-down fields for the assets.
Before linking an asset via metadata editing, the asset has to have an asset type assigned and mandatory metadata set. Additionally, the Linking feature needs to be enabled for your CELUM Content server if it isn't already.
To link assets to collections during metadata editing:
Edit selected asset's metadata via:
detail view for editing a single asset's metadata, or
the direct "Edit Metadata" action for editing single or multiple assets' metadata.
Navigate to the referencing drop-down fields and select one or more values (which also exist as collections in the system).
Save the changes in the assets' metadata.
The values will be added to the metadata fields and the assets will be linked to the respective collections.
It depends on your CELUM Content server's configuration whether all or only specific referencing drop-down fields will trigger automatic linking to collections.
If you change the asset type, the referencing drop-down fields may change. If this is the case, the added metadata will be lost and the assets removed from the respective collections.
Unlike permanently deleting assets from the entire CELUM Content system, you can simply remove assets from a collection if the assets are still located in other permission-defining collections as well.
Select one or multiple assets in the asset list or lightbox.
Use the "Delete" action in either the context menu or the magic menu. A confirmation dialog opens.
The confirmation dialog shows different content depending on the status of the selected asset(s):
If at least one asset is linked to multiple permission-defining
collections, you will see a list of assets which can be removed
from their parent collection or permanently deleted. You can
then decide if you want to only remove those assets from their
collection(s) or permanently delete all assets from the system:
If all selected assets are linked to multiple permission-defining
collections but you lack the local "Remove asset"
permission on one of the parent collections, you can only
remove them from the current collection:
If all selected assets only have one permission-defining
parent collection, you can only delete them completely:
Depending on your asset selection, you can click either "Remove only" or "Remove" directly in the dialog footer in order to only remove assets from the current collection without deleting them.
The assets are removed from the current collection but will remain in other collections to which they were linked.
If the Linking Feature is enabled for your CELUM Content server and if the collections from which the selected assets were removed were also referencing drop-down fields values for the current assets (such as tags), they will automatically be removed from the assets' metadata.
The CELUM Content Linking Feature enables you to remove assets from collections that are also values in referencing drop-down fields of the assets.
To remove assets from collections during metadata editing:
Edit selected asset's metadata via:
detail view for editing a single asset's metadata, or
the direct "Edit Metadata" action for editing single or multiple assets' metadata.
Navigate to the referencing drop-down fields and remove the selected values/collections, or click "Clear all" to remove all selected values.
Save the changes in the assets' metadata.
The values will be removed from the metadata fields and the assets will be removed from the respective collections.
You can directly jump to a collection that an asset is linked to or that an asset references in one of its information fields:
Open the sidebar for a selected asset.
In the sidebar sections "Locations" and "Tags/References", click one of the collections that the asset is assigned to.
Every part of the collection path is clickable, so you can also open a collection on a higher level of the hierarchy.
The collection is loaded and selected in the tree and its contents are shown in the asset list.
No, unlike assets, a collection can only have exactly one parent collection.
Under the following circumstances, you can't link assets to a specific additional collection via drag & drop:
You're trying to link to a strict collection and some of the selected assets have invalid metadata.
You don't have the local "Add asset to other security context" permission on the current parent collection.
You don't have the local "Add asset" permission on the intended target collection.
The target collection is a tag.