Use the advanced task search

Use advanced task search to find tasks and subtasks across all Workrooms you are a member of. It is particularly convenient for checking open responsibilities and following up on important information.

Advanced task search considerations

Open advanced task search

To open the advanced task search dialog:

  1. Go to the dashboard or the taskboard.

    The advanced task search button is not shown in asset explorer or the People page. It will also not be shown on any page if the search settings are set to "Workrooms" or "Assets & Folders".

  2. Click on the search bar. A drop-down opens.

  3. In the drop-down, click on the "Advanced task search" button.

    If you first entered a search term, you can press ENTER to access advanced task search.

  4. An overlay opens where you can start searching for tasks across all Workrooms that you are a part of.

Filters active before opening the advanced task search

Search for tasks via the full text search

  1. Enter a search term in the search bar. A "Keyword" chip with the search term is shown in the results area.

  2. All tasks and subtasks with the search term in their name in Workrooms you are a part of will appear in the results list.

    Use the sorting options in the upper right corner to customize the results list.

  3. To open the task/subtask, click on its card. The task will open in another tab.

The filter panel

The filter panel with available filters is shown on the left side of the advanced task search.

The filter criteria for each filter type are listed below each filter and can be collapsed.

Currently, it is possible to find tasks/subtasks using the following filters:

Apply filter criteria

  1. Navigate to the filter you want to apply.

  2. Find the filter criteria:

  3. Apply the filter criteria by clicking the check-boxes next to their names.

  4. The chosen filter criteria will be shown as filter widgets in the results area and the corresponding filter types will have an "active" indicator next to their name in the filter panel.

  5. The results will be displayed in the results list. To open the task/subtask, click on its card. The task will open in another tab.

    Click on a filter widget to highlight and expand the respective filter type. You can also customise the results list by sorting the results.

Remove filter criteria

How filters are combined

This means that a combination of multiple filter criteria from multiple filter types will return tasks/subtasks that match at least one of the chosen filter criteria from each filter type.




What search restrictions do visitors have in the advanced task search?