People with a visitor role have search restrictions. For detailed info on restrictions, see the FAQ below.
CELUM Work offers powerful search capabilities. You can:
Search on the dashboard for Workrooms you are a part of, tasks, assets, or folders (via the search bar) or use the filter to find tasks/subtasks assigned to you .
Search inside the current Workroom (via the search bar) or filter for tasks (on the taskboard), assets and folders (in the asset explorer).
Use the advanced task search to search for tasks across all Workrooms you are a part of.
Use the search bar in the dashboard
or Workroom
header for the full text search, within your current organisation, for
specific assets, folders, tasks or Workrooms
by their name:
Enter a search term and a drop-down area will show you all matching
Objects that match the search term are displayed in the result drop-down.
The default search settings will differ depending on whether you are searching on the dashboard, or inside a Workroom:
On the dashboard: By default, you are searching for ALL objects (Workrooms, tasks, assets and folders) that match the search term in all available Workrooms in your organisation.
Inside a Workroom: You default search depends on the page you start the search on (on the taskboard, the default setting is "Tasks", on the asset explorer, the default setting is "Assets & Folders", on the People page, the default setting is "All"). The search will show results that match the search term within the current Workroom . To search in all Workrooms, you need to adjust the search.
You can adjust the default search settings with the small search logic
drop-down on the left of the field:
If you start your search on the dashboard, then you automatically search within all Workrooms you are a part of. However, if a search is started from inside a Workroom, then it will per default be limited to the current Workroom. To change this:
Enter a search term into the search field in the header of the Workroom.
On the taskboard, the search logic is automatically set to "Tasks". However, you can adjust this to your preferences.
The result drop-down opens.
Disable the "Only search in current Workroom" check-box
to search outside the current Workroom:
This option is permanently disabled for people with a visitor role.
Objects that match the search term are displayed in the result drop-down.
What search
restrictions do visitors have?