You can add a comment for the currently active asset in the sidebar:
Open the sidebar
with the icon in the preview menu.
In the sidebar, open the "Activities" tab.
Optionally change the asset version
If the asset has multiple versions, you can switch between the versions in the version chooser and annotate a previous version of the asset.
Click on the comment input field to start writing your comment. It can be textual, an image, or a combination of both.
To attach an image from your computer, click on the "Attach
image" icon below the comment field. You
can also copy an image from anywhere and paste it directly to the
comment field.
Optionally, format the text with the basic formatting options below the field:
Bold (), italics (
underlined (
), and strikethrough (
Insert a link ()
Insert a bullet list ()
or numbered list (
Clear the formatting ()
Type "@" in the comment field to choose a person and mention them directly in your comment. See Roles and privileges to learn about restrictions on mentioning as a visitor.
Click "Comment" to publish.
Your comment will be saved as a draft if you don't immediately publish it.
The comment is displayed below the comment field in the tab and shows:
The name of the commentator
Comment date
asset version on which it was created
(for asset and task content comments)
Use the reply function to start a conversation
on a specific comment.
Alternatively, you can add a visual marker to your comment to create a visual annotation for an asset. Once posted, you can also edit or delete the comment.
As a contributor or a visitor, you can only edit and delete your comments. As a moderator, you can edit and delete your and other people's comments.
Navigate to the comment.
Click on the "More actions" menu
for a comment to see the options.
Select between editing or deleting. If editing, click anywhere
outside the comment box or click the "Save" button
to finish.
If this snackbar appears, this means that the selected image type is not supported. The following image types are supported: jpeg, jpg, png, svg, webp, bmp.