Customise your Portals with Design Themes

Design themes allow you to customise the visual design of your Portals to support your branding efforts.

Accessing the design themes dashboard requires permission

Default design theme

CELUM default

All new Portals are built using a default design theme provided by CELUM.

Apply custom design theme to an active Portal with no theme

When an active Portal has no custom design theme set you can edit the Portal and set a custom design theme for it in the wizard. Once you set a custom theme to an active Portal this way it cannot be changed.

Custom default theme

You can set a custom theme to be the default theme:

The theme you set this way will be applied as a default to every Portal created in your organisation from that point on until this is changed.

Set custom default theme

  1. Right click a design theme on the dashboard.

  2. Select "Set as default theme" from the context menu.

Change custom default theme

When you already have a custom default theme set:

  1. Right click a new design theme on the dashboard.

  2. Select "Use this as default theme" from the context menu.

Revert default theme to CELUM default

  1. Right click the current default design theme on the dashboard.

  2. Select "Remove as default" from the context menu.

  3. The CELUM default theme will be used as default again.

Create a new design theme

Update a design theme

Duplicate a design theme

Delete a design theme