On this page you can learn how to activate and deactivate Portals.
For more information on the related Portal states, see Portal states.
Newly created Portals are in an active state by default. To reactivate an inactive Portal:
Right-click on an inactive Portal to open the context menu.
Choose "Activate" from the context menu.
Click "Activate" to confirm.
Active Portal specifics:
Can be edited and updated.
Can be published or unpublished.
A deactivated Portal automatically becomes unpublished and any publication data is reset. Its status is then "inactive". To deactivate an active Portal:
Right-click on an active Portal to open the context menu.
Choose "Dectivate" from the context menu.
Click "Dectivate" to confirm.
Deactived Portal specifics:
Cannot be edited or updated.
Cannot be published.
Can be deleted.
All former settings and designs are kept.