In the "Search" tab of the Content administration, you can configure various aspects of the full text search behaviour for your own user.
In the "Search" tab of the Content administration, you can set in which languages the full text search should look for a search term. The full text search will return results if any of their properties match the search terms in the selected language(s). By default, only the current application language is selected.
Selecting multiple languages could have an impact on the performance of the full text search, making it slower.
This setting governs the following localized collection or asset properties:
Collection type
Collection name
Asset type
Asset path
Collection- or tag-references on assets
Thus, if any of the above properties contain the search term in one of the chosen languages, the collection or asset will be returned.
Localized text fields are not affected by this setting
its own setting in the search options which determines in which languages the values of localized information fields are searched.
In the "Search" tab of the Content administration, you can set the default language in which filter widgets for fields with multiple languages should search:
These settings affect widgets based on the following fields:
Localized text fields (single- and multi-line)
Referencing drop-down fields
Collection name (in Advanced Search)
For both fields, you can select between the current application language of each individual user and a fixed language. If the chosen language is available for a given information field, then the chosen language is automatically selected in the language chooser for the respective filter widget.
For referencing drop-down fields and the collection name, the available languages depend on your system's back-end configuration. For localized fields, the available languages depend on the given field's back-end configuration.
If the chosen language is not available in the configuration of the given field, the fallback is either the current application language (if available) or the system's default language.
In the "Search" tab of the Content administration, you can decide how the search terms entered into the full text search should be combined to produce results:
If you set the drop-down to "And", then only assets which contain all the entered search terms in their metadata will be returned by the search.
If you set the drop-down to "Or", then assets which contain at least one of the entered search terms in their metadata will be returned by the search.
The types of metadata that are searched through is still determined by the full text search options for each individual user. If a search term is only present in a deactivated type of metadata for an asset, the asset will not be returned as a result for the user.