Manage asset relations

Asset relations link two similar or otherwise related assets together. You can see all related assets for a currently selected asset in the "Asset Relation" detail view tab.

Depending on your CELUM Content server's configuration, there can be various types of relations with different prerequisites for creating them. Out-of-the-box, only the "Language variant" relation type is available and will be used as an example case in this topic.

Relations can also have different statuses, depending on the availability of the related asset:

Broken relations are relations that were established to a now deleted asset. If asset A is related to asset B and asset B is deleted, then the relation to it will be shown as broken in asset A's detail view. Broken relations are marked with the icon and the deleted asset's preview and name are removed from the detail view tab.

Relations with outdated versions are relations that were established to an earlier version of the related asset. If asset C is related to version 2 of asset D and asset D gets a new version (version 3), then the relation to it will be shown as outdated in asset C's detail view. In asset D's detail view, all established relations are removed, because relations are always tied to a specific asset version. Outdated versions are marked with the icon.

Create an asset relation in the Explore View

Create an asset relation in the compare view

Delete an asset relation



FAQ and troubleshooting

Why are some relations shown as broken?

Why is a relation no longer shown in a related asset's detail view?

Can I edit or update an existing relation?