In the "Workflow"
part of the wizard, you can customise your lists by adding transitions
to define the flow of tasks on the board and see the process directly
as you edit it.
For each task list on the board,
you can define one or multiple transitions.
Transitions define which lists on the board the tasks can be moved to
from their current list.
Click on the "Select transitions" icon in a task list. The drop-down
menu shows all other lists on the board.
Select one or more of the lists to add them to the transition
Click outside the menu to close it. The chosen transitions are
displayed below the transition icon:
Click the small unidirectional arrow icon
or bidirectional arrow icon
in a transition tile to make a transition either unidirectional or
Unidirectional transitions only allow
movement from one list to another. For example, tasks from "ON
HOLD" can be moved to "NEW", but task from "NEW"
cannot be moved to "ON HOLD".
Bidirectional transitions are
circular transitions between two lists and allow movement between
two lists. For example, tasks from "ON HOLD" can be
moved to "IN PROGRESS" and task from "IN PROGRESS"
can be moved back to "ON HOLD".
Tasks can be moved to all lists which do not
have an "incoming" transition defined!
For example, our board has four lists: "TO DO", "ON
HOLD", "IN PROGRESS" and "DONE" . You define
that tasks from "TO DO" can only be moved to "IN PROGRESS".
Tasks from "IN PROGRESS" can only be moved to "ON HOLD"
and "DONE". Tasks from "ON HOLD" can be moved
There are no incoming transitions defined for the list "TO
DO". Therefore, tasks from all other lists
can also be moved to the list "TO DO".
As you are setting up transitions in the "Workflow"
part of the wizard in the lower part of your screen, you can simultaneously
see the changes in the "Process view". You can resize it by
dragging the horizontal 3 dots
with your mouse, or close it by clicking the "Hide process"
button .