Work with assets

You use a Workroom to virtually exchange, discuss, organise and finalise assets for your project with your colleagues. All content you work with in CELUM Work is available in the asset explorer of each Workroom.

Roles and permitted actions

As a moderator or contributor, you don't have any restrictions for viewing and managing assets and folders in a Workroom.

People with a visitor role don't have access to the asset explorer and can only see assets attached to tasks in the task detail view.

For more information on roles, visit the Roles and privileges page.

The asset explorer

As a moderator or contributor, you can see all assets and folders inside your Workroom in the asset explorer. Simply click "Assets" in the Workroom header:
Files page in a workroom

The asset explorer consists of two main parts:

Card view modes

By default, the assets in the asset list are shown in "card view with further details" view. In the lower part of each card, you can see the most important information on an asset. If applicable, you will see the following:


Current asset version. On hover, date and time stamps are also shown.

Availability in CELUM Content. If active, the asset is still available in CELUM Content. If inactive, the asset is no longer available in CELUM Content.

Number of tasks the asset is attached to. Hover over the icon to see this information.

To switch to card view without additional information, click on the card menu and select "card view".

Select assets

To perform actions on assets (in task details and asset explorer), you need to select them. You can select a single or multiple assets: