In the preview area of the detail view, a small overlay, the preview controls, allows you to manipulate and control the preview. Depending on the asset type, different controls are available.
For multimedia assets (audio or video), the typical multimedia controls (play button and volume control) are displayed.
To jump to a specific time in the multimedia asset, click on the playback
Alternatively, you can manipulate the preview with your keyboard:
Press the Space bar to start or pause the playback.
From left to right:
Flip through the document's pages. Arrow up means flip backward, arrow down means flip forward.
You can only flip through pages when previews were already created for them. If the buttons are disabled, wait a few minutes before trying again.
Display the current page and total page amount.
Show page preview in original size.
Size page image to fill available space.
Manually zoom in and out.
Hide or show visual markers and stamps in the preview.
Enable text selection to select text inside the document preview. There are two states to this button:
enables the text selection. You can select and copy text in the
document preview.
disables the text selection. You can no longer select and copy
text in the document preview.
Find text in the document.
Alternatively, you can manipulate the preview with your keyboard or mouse:
Either use your mouse's scrolling wheel to switch between pages.
From left to right:
Show image in original size.
Enlarge image to fill available space.
Manually zoom in and out.
Hide or show visual markers and stamps in the preview.
For multimedia assets (audio or video), the typical multimedia controls (play button and volume control) are displayed.
To jump to a specific time in the multimedia asset, click on the playback
Alternatively, you can manipulate the preview with your keyboard:
Press the Space bar to start or pause the playback.
From left to right:
Settings where you can adjust your navigation style.
Model inspector where you can adjust the 3D asset display settings.
View in VR opens a dialog with instructions and links on enabling virtual reality view.
Fullscreen opens the full screen view in a browser window.
To rotate the 3D asset, click on it and move your mouse in any direction.
Small arrow icons on the left and/or right side of the asset preview allow you to jump to the next or previous asset in the current folder:
You can either use the cursor keys on your keyboard to navigate through the folder content, or click the arrow buttons.
When you reach the first asset in the folder, the "Previous" button disappears. When you reach the last asset in the folder, the "Next" button disappears.