User guide for Portal visitors

As a Portal creator or curator you can share this page with your audience so they can use your Portals effectively to browse and share your content.


Portals are designed to be intuitive to use, but you can quickly learn how to use them in this guide:

Asset gallery

The asset gallery shows all content available on the Portal.

Detail view

If you click on an individual asset you enter the “Detail view” where you can see:

  1. Full view of the asset: complete with the preview controls to zoom in/out for details

  2. Asset metadata: Shows every available info on the asset

  3. Variants: Shows the different formats of the asset available for download

Asset variant types

Asset types may have different variants available for download on the Portal:

Audio asset

Document asset

Image asset

Video asset

"Small" *
"Medium" *

"Small" *
"Medium" *


"Small" *
"Medium" *

*Small, medium and large variants are downloadable preview images that are generated independently of the asset type. For example, If you download the medium variant of an audio, document or video asset, the preview image of this asset lands on your computer and can therefore not be browsed or played.


Selection Mode

If you hover over an asset thumbnail and click the check mark that appears in the upper right corner, a selection bar appears and you enter selection mode:

Search and filtering

The search bar

Filter assets

Sharing content

You can easily share the content that interests you.

Download options


Bulk Download

Working with Content Templates

A Content Template on a Portal allows you to create and download  your own content using the elements the Portal creator provided.

  1. The canvas is the main area of the editor where you can interact with pages and blocks of the Template.

  2. The settings panel contains the block-related settings that slide in here when you click on individual blocks on a page.

  3. The tool bar contains the following features: