The “Insights” page contains a wide range of data charts related to your Portal. You can access the “Insights” page from:
The Portal
Designer: Click on “Insights” in the upper right corner of
your Portal
The Dashboard: Right click your Portal and select “View
Insights“ from the context menu.
There are three options available to configure the scope of data inquiry:
Location:Allows you to filter the metric data based on user locations. Locations with active visitors in the chosen “time period” will be available for filter selection.
Languages:Allows you to filter the metric data by languages. The available language options are based on the currently configured languages in the designer. Additionally, all languages that had active visitors but are not configured anymore, will show up as well.
Time period: Allows you to see the metric data of a certain time frame of 30, 60, 90 or 365 days.
Hover your mouse over the diagrams to see exact daily numbers or percentage info.
This section provides basic knowledge on the different types of charts, diagrams and lists used by Experience Insights along with pointers on how to interpret them.
This chart shows the total number of visits to your Portal in the selected time period.
In the upper right corner, it further shows the percentage change between the current number of assets and the number of assets on the last day of the previous time period.
Calculation method
The number of visits on the chart are based on a number of unique
sessions of all users per day in a given time frame.
One visit equals one session (with a unique session ID) started and
finished by a user on your Portal.
“Unique Session”
A unique session is a period of activity, with a unique session ID, initiated by a user on your Portal. It can end with a period of user inactivity exceeding 30 minutes, or after 24 hours of continuous activity.
This chart gives an indication on the number of unduplicated (counted only once) visitors to your Portal during the selected time period.
In the upper right corner, it further shows the percentage change between the current number of assets and the number of assets on the last day of the previous time period.
This is not the sum of the day-to-day data. A particular user can contribute to every day’s value. But can only contribute once to the total.
Calculation method
Users are counted by using anonymous IDs stored in browser cookies. One anonymous ID equals one unique visitor.
A single person who cleans up browser cookies, or is using different browsers or machines will be counted multiple times. Based on this the count of anonymous user IDs isn't the same as the number of unique application users. All this means, the chart only gives an indication on the number of the unique visitors of your Portal in a give time frame.
This chart shows the percentage of new visitors that did not visit the Portal in the previous time period compared to returning visitors that visited the Portal both in the previous and the current time period.
Calculation method
Users are counted by using anonymous IDs stored in browser cookies. One anonymous ID equals one unique visitor.
A single person who cleans up browser cookies, or is using different browsers or machines will be counted multiple times. Based on this the count of anonymous user IDs isn't the same as the number of unique application users. All this means, the chart only gives an indication on the number of the unique visitors of your Portal in a give time frame.
What the compared percentages represent:
New visitors: The percentage of visitors who did not visit your Portal in the previous time period.
Returning visitors: The percentage of visitors who visited your Portal both in the current and previous time period.
This chart shows a comparison between searches on your Portal that returned matching assets and searches that did not.
Only the search bar can return no assets, the search facets always return assets. All searches via search bar, facets or a combination of the two are considered.
Calculation method
This chart counts and compares the number of tracked search events with results to the ones without results.
A search event is tracked and shown in the chart when:
The user adds/removes facet filters and does not make another interaction in 2 seconds.
The user changes the search text in the search field and does not make another interaction in 2 seconds.
If they do make another interaction, the 2 seconds counter will restart.
A search event is not tracked and won’t be shown in the chart when:
The search text has less than 2 characters and no facet filter is applied.
The request is made to load more results. (This happens when the user scrolls down for further results)
This list shows the most active visitors of the Portal sorted by their interactions. On protected Portals, visitors are always identified.
More insights and advanced sorting can be accessed via “Show more“. You can also define the list order there, based on “Last visited”, “Visits“, “Views”, “Downloads” or “Interactions”.
Presentation details
The following information for every unique application user ID is recorded and presented here:
Name: The name related to the unique application user ID.
User type: The user's current status in the organisation is shown via the avatar next to their name.
Users who are currently a part of the organisation.
Users who are not part of the organisation anymore.
Unauthenticated users.
Whenever authentication happens, the authentication information is saved for the device and the Portal domain and is tracked. Different Portal types have different authentication methods:
Public Portals:
Users will not be authenticated: This is the default behaviour. Users will be shown as "Anonymous".
Users will be authenticated: If they previously entered a Protected Portal by giving their user credentials upon entry because their user information is tracked from the moment they entered a Protected Portal. These users will be shown as “Active” or “Removed” based on their status in the organisation.
Protected Portals:
Users will be authenticated and tracked: If they were not logged into the Experience domain beforehand and had to enter their user credentials when entering the Protected Portal. Tracking means these users will be authenticated even when visiting a Public Portal afterwards. These users will be shown as “Active” or “Removed” based on their status in the organisation.
Users will not be authenticated nor tracked: If they were logged in to the Experience domain before entering a Protected Portal. These users will be shown as “Anonymous”.
Last visited: The date and time of "last asset-viewed" event of the user.
Visits: Total number of visits.
Views: Total number of asset views in the time period.
Downloads: Total number of asset downloads.
Interactions: Total number of overall interactions.
This chart shows the average duration of all daily sessions on the Portal throughout the given time period.
Calculation method
The method is based on calculating the average duration of “valid sessions” per day. Lines reflect time periods where data is available, when no data is available for a given day, the chart shows no line over that period.
“Valid session”
A “unique session” with a set of at least two user activity events under the same unique session ID is considered a “valid session” for calculating average session duration.
Session duration: For calculating the session duration of a valid session we take the time between the first and last event of a session that was referencing your Portal.
Average session duration: The overall average is calculated by considering the duration of all valid sessions in the given time frame and calculating their arithmetic average.
This chart shows the distribution of all traffic (sessions) between tablet, mobile and desktop in the selected time period.
“Other” device category
In case of devices that could not be identified, the chart will use the “Other” category.
Calculation method
The number of unique sessions with a certain device type is compared to the number of all unique session.
“Unique Session”
A unique session is a period of activity, with a unique session ID, initiated by a user on your Portal. It can end with a period of user inactivity exceeding 30 minutes, or after 24 hours of continuous activity.
This chart shows the current number of assets in Libraries that are directly connected to your Portal via the Portal wizard and the development of that number over time. Lines reflect time periods where data is available, when no data is available for a given day, the chart shows no line over that period.
Design theme assets and others that might be displayed in a Portal as well are excluded.
In the upper right corner, it further shows the percentage change between the current number of assets and the number of assets on the last day of the previous time period.
Calculation method
Asset number query
The number of assets for your Portal are counted every hour. When querying the number of assets for a day, the latest update for each given day is considered.
Asset number on the current day: Is taken from the latest event for the day of the inquiry. This number is displayed in the upper left corner of the widget.
Asset number on the last day of the previous time period: Is taken from the last event for that given day - which is the day before the “start” of the current period.
This chart shows the total number of asset downloads from your Portal in the current time period and the development of the daily number over time.
In the upper right corner, it further shows the percentage change between the current number of assets downloads and the number of assets downloads on the last day of the previous time period.
Multiple downloads of the same asset are also counted.
Calculation method
The total number of asset downloads is calculated daily and is shown for the queried time frame.
The “Asset usage” lists the most popular assets of your Portal, sorted by “Usage”.
For more details and a longer list of assets, click the “Show more” button. You can also define the list order there based on: “Last usage”, “Views”, “Downloads”, “Usage” or “Downloaded by”.
Presentation method
The following information is recorded and presented for every individual asset:
Name: The name of the asset.
Last usage: Date of last interaction with the asset.
Views: Shows the total number of times the asset was viewed.
Downloads: Shows the total number of times the asset was downloaded.
Usage: Shows the sum of all downloads and views for the asset.