With CELUM Content's PIN and Smart Views functionalities, you can share selected content for a specific period of time with other people who do not have access to CELUM Content. This ensures that the people you make content available to can ONLY download the content you want them to have, when you want them to have it.
They are also adaptable, which means any changes in a collection's content are also reflected for the recipients of a PIN-Link or a Smart View on that collection. This allows you to create a PIN-Link or a Smart View directly after creation of a collection and decide later which assets should be put inside the collection and shared with the recipients.
You need the local permission "Manage own PIN" on the selected content, otherwise you won't be able to use the PIN-Link function.
You can view and share all PIN-Links which you have created on a selected collection in the "Share" dialog.
This tab is only visible if you have selected exactly one collection.
Open the "Share" dialog for a collection via the action area, magic menu or context menu.
Switch to the "PIN-Link" tab in the dialog to
see a list of all PIN-Links:
Permissions necessary for seeing others' PIN-Links
If you don't have the global permission "Administer PINs from other users", you can only see your own PIN-Links, not links created by other users.
You can perform actions on each PIN-Link (left to right): Share it via copied link or e-mail, edit it, and delete it.
The "clock" icon next to each PIN-Link shows its status:
An active PIN-Link
will have the green status icon next to
the date.
An inactive link (whose validity has expired) will have
a red status icon .
If the PIN-Link
has an orange icon ,
it will be valid from a defined time in the future.
You can also hover over different sections to see additional information on them.
PIN availability is tied to the creator's permissions and status
Under the following circumstances, a PIN-Link will no longer be valid:
The object(s) that the PIN-Link was created on were deleted
The PIN-Link's creator user is no longer allowed to see the collection where the PIN-Link was created
The PIN-Link's creator user was deactivated or deleted
In these cases, recipients won't be able to download the PIN-Link's content anymore.
Recipients of the PIN-Link can open the link in a browser, which opens the PIN landing page. On the landing page, recipients can choose from the available download formats for each asset to directly download each asset to their local file system. Alternatively, they can download all assets contained in the PIN-Link with one click or filter the available assets by their file type to download only assets of a specific type.
If they choose to download all or multiple assets, a ZIP file is created which is subsequently downloaded.
If the sent PIN-Link is invalid or unavailable, recipients will see an according error message instead of the included assets.
You need the local permission "Manage own PIN" on the selected content, otherwise you won't be able to use the PIN-Link function.
You can create a PIN-Link with a variety of settings for a single collection:
Open the "Share" dialog for a collection via the action area, magic menu or context menu.
Switch to the "PIN-Link" tab in the dialog.
This tab is only available if you have selected exactly one collection.
Click the "Create PIN-Link"
button . A new dialog opens.
Quick PIN-Link with default configuration
Click "Save" immediately after the dialog opens to save the created PIN-Link with its default settings.
By default, the name of the PIN-Link matches the name of the shared collection. The validity period is set to 30 days, starting with the creation date. The preselected download format depends on your CELUM Content server's configuration.
In the left section of the dialog, you can see an overview
of the basic information about the PIN-Link.
There you can set the following:
The name of the PIN-Link: Simply change the name inside the text field.
PIN-code: The PIN-code is
the unique ID for the link. Click on the refresh icon next to the already generated PIN-code to generate
a different PIN-code.
Validity period: States the time period in which the PIN-Link is active. Click on the date icons on the left and right side to open the calendar and set your preferred validity period.
Download formats: The amount and the default download formats displayed depend on your configured PIN-Link download format settings. Click "Select formats" to select one or more download formats for the content of the current collection.
In the right section, you can optionally write a note to the PIN-Link recipient. You can choose:
The language of the message: By default, English is the set language. Click on the respective language abbreviation to switch. Your language options depend on your CELUM Content configuration. The message will be shown to the recipients when they open the PIN-Link.
The message is only shown if the language of the PIN
landing page matches the defined language of the message.
If the language doesn't match, the recipient can open
the message dialog manually by clicking the "Information"
icon in the landing page.
"Confirm reading" selection: If you select this option, a dialog containing the message will appear on the PIN landing page provided that the recipient's locale matches the selected language of the message.
To confirm, click "Save". The PIN-Link is automatically copied to clipboard and ready for use.
PIN availability is tied to the creator's permissions and status
Under the following circumstances, a PIN-Link will no longer be valid:
The object(s) that the PIN-Link was created on were deleted
The PIN-Link's creator user is no longer allowed to see the collection where the PIN-Link was created
The PIN-Link's creator user was deactivated or deleted
In these cases, recipients won't be able to download the PIN-Link's content anymore.
The "Smart Views" product extension is deployed and configured correctly on your system. This product extension may incur additional licensing costs!
You are allowed to view the "Smart View" tab in the Share dialog for the selected collection.
You can find instructions for deploying and configuring the "Smart Views" extension in the Customer Knowledge Base.
You can see Smart Views that were created for a specific collection:
Select a collection and open the context menu.
Click the context menu entry "Share".
In the Sharing dialog, open the tab "Smart Views"
to see all Smart Views on the current collection:
If you want to share an existing Smart View you can
copy it to clipboard, or
send it via e-mail:
The external recipients can access the link and browse, view and download the assets in the collection.
The "Smart Views" product extension is deployed and configured correctly on your system. This product extension may incur additional licensing costs!
You are allowed to view the "Smart View" tab in the Share dialog for the selected collection.
You can find instructions for deploying and configuring the "Smart Views" extension in the Customer Knowledge Base.
Navigate to a collection where you have the appropriate permissions.
Right-click the collection to open the context menu, or go to the magic menu.
Choose "Share". The Share dialog opens.
Click the "Smart Views" tab.
If there are no Smart Views configured on the collection yet, the tab only contains the "New Smart View" button.
If there are already Smart Views configured, they are listed in the tab.
Click the "Create Smart View" button. A new dialog opens.
Enter the following information:
Name: By default, this is
the collection's name.
The Smart View name must be unique across the whole system, otherwise an error snackbar will be shown on saving.
Default Language: The preselected language of the Smart View when it is opened. The language options depend on your CELUM Content server's configuration.
Profile: Choose one of the
Smart Views Profiles which were configured in the Configuration
Invalid profiles, i.e. profiles with missing required fields, will not be visible in the "Profile" drop-down menu.
Check "View"-permissions for recipients
To avoid accessibility problems with your Smart View, please check with the person who created the Smart Views Branding Profile if the user that was specified in the used API Authentication Profile also has "View"-permissions for the collection on which you are creating the Smart View.
If the user specified in the API Authentication Profile doesn't have "View"-permissions for that collection, nobody will be able to view the Smart View's URL, because the REST API user's permissions determine whether the Smart View on a particular collection is visible.
Based on the chosen Profile, the right section of the dialog
is updated and shows a read-only preview of the Smart Views Profile
The URL Identifier is a unique
identifier which is part of the Smart View's URL. You can
regenerate it with the small refresh button .
Click the "Save" button to apply the changes and finish. This closes the dialog.
Once you have created a Smart View, the link to it is automatically copied to clipboard and ready to be sent.