You can share dedicated direct links for assets in CELUM Content. These links are a quick way of pointing other users to an asset:
Select one or multiple assets in the asset list.
Open the "Share" dialog for your selection via the "Share" action in the action area, magic menu or context menu.
The tab "Direct Link" is opened by default.
Copy the direct link for the current selection via "Copy to Clipboard" or send it directly via e-mail.
If you choose to send it via e-mail, your operating system's e-mail client opens and automatically pastes the direct into the body of a new e-mail. A single hyperlink is pasted for the whole selection.
You can send direct links to any CELUM Content user. However, the user must have the appropriate permissions in order to see the shared asset(s).
People who do not have a CELUM Content account cannot open direct links. Use PIN-Links for external sharing instead.
If an asset's direct link is opened in a browser, it shows the asset's detail view with the same tab open as when the link was shared.